Innovation in der Psoriasis-Behandlung:
Deutscher Psoriasis Bund und Nia Health kooperieren

Berlin/Hamburg, den 19.10.2022: Das Berliner Digital Health-Unternehmen Nia Health
GmbH und der Deutsche

Psoriasis (Schuppenflechte) ist eine chronisch-entzündliche Erkrankung, die durch schuppende und juckende Hautausschläge gekennzeichnet ist. Die nicht-ansteckende Erkrankung ist teilweise genetisch bedingt und verläuft meist in Schüben. Heilbar ist sie nicht, aber durch eine individuell abgestimmte Therapie gut in den Griff zu bekommen. Etwa 2,0-2,5 Prozent der Bevölkerung in Deutschland sind von Psoriasis betroffen und leiden unter den physischen und psychischen Folgen.

Nia Health hat mit der medizinischen App „Sorea“ das erste digitale Medizinprodukt für Menschen mit Psoriasis und insbesondere auch für Eltern von betroffenen Kindern entwickelt. Die Betroffenen können die Sorea-App nutzen, um ihren Krankheitsverlauf zu dokumentieren und Schubauslöser besser zu erkennen. Die App bietet zusätzlich wissenschaftliches Hintergrundwissen zur Behandlung der Psoriasis und zum Umgang mit der chronischen Erkrankung im Alltag. Da auch Kinder von Psoriasis betroffen sein können, wurde ein Curriculum der Fachklinik Sylt entsprechend digitalisiert und für die Kleinen spielerisch aufbereitet. So können sowohl die Eltern als auch die betroffenen Kinder über die Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten der Erkrankung aufgeschlaut werden.

Die Nia Health GmbH hat nun einen weiteren wichtigen Partner an ihrer Seite, um die Lebensqualität von Menschen mit Psoriasis und ihren Angehörigen zu verbessern: die gemeinnützige Selbsthilfeorganisation Deutscher Psoriasis Bund e.V. (DPB). In dem 1973 gegründeten Verein mit Sitz in Hamburg organisieren sich bundesweit Betroffene und Angehörige, die sich unter anderem auch in regionalen Selbsthilfegruppen gegenseitig Halt und Unterstützung geben. Der Deutsche Psoriasis Bund stellt aktuelle und unabhängige Informationen zur Psoriasis bereit und veranstaltet regelmäßig Seminare und Workshops für die Betroffenen. Er vertritt die Interessen der Erkrankten und leistet Aufklärungsarbeit, um der Stigmatisierung der Betroffenen entgegenzuwirken.

Marius Grosser, Geschäftsführer des Deutschen Psoriasis Bundes, begrüßt die Zusammenarbeit sehr:

„Mit Spannung haben wir die Entwicklungen und Fortschritte bei der Neurodermitis-App von Nia Health verfolgt. Als das Unternehmen dann auch für die Psoriasis eine App auf den Weg gebracht hat, waren wir natürlich hocherfreut. Und umso schöner ist es jetzt, dass Nia Health und der Deutsche Psoriasis Bund fortan gemeinsam an der Weiterentwicklung eines so modernen und innovativen Tools wie der Sorea-App arbeiten.“

Gemeinsame Ziele von Nia Health und Deutschem Psoriasis Bund

Sowohl der Deutsche Psoriasis Bund als auch Nia Health verfolgen das Ziel, Menschen mit Psoriasis und ihren Angehörigen das Leben mit der chronischen Erkrankung zu erleichtern. Mit der Kooperation wollen beide ihre gemeinsame Vision vorantreiben, die Lebensqualität von Betroffenen und ihren Familien im Alltag langfristig zu verbessern sowie die Informationslage im Umgang mit der Erkrankung und beim Krankheitsmanagement zu erhöhen.

„Wir freuen uns sehr über diese Zusammenarbeit und das Vertrauen des Deutschen Psoriasis Bundes in unsere Technologie. So können wir nun noch besser unsere Kräfte bündeln, um gemeinsam den Psoriasis-Betroffenen zu helfen“, erläutert Tobias Seidl, Co-Founder und CEO von Nia Health, die Kooperation.

Über den Deutschen Psoriasis Bund e.V. (DPB):

Der Deutsche Psoriasis Bund e.V. (DPB) wurde 1973 in Hamburg gegründet und ist ein bundesweit aktiver gemeinnütziger Verein von und für Menschen, die an Psoriasis und Psoriasis-Arthritis (Schuppenflechte) erkrankt sind. Dem Verein gehören mehrere tausend Mitglieder an. Nähere Informationen unter:

Über Nia Health:

Die Nia Health GmbH bietet Betroffenen von chronischen Hauterkrankungen vollumfängliche digitale Unterstützung an. Im Jahr 2019 als Spin-off der Berliner Charité gegründet, entwickelte Nia Health unter anderem die preisgekrönte und in Europa meistgenutzte medizinische Neurodermitis-App „Nia“. Durch die digitalen Medizinprodukte von Nia Health erhalten tausende Patienten und ihre Angehörigen tägliche Unterstützung.

Tobias Seidl

Atopic dermatitis app Nia gets further supporter with Sanofi Genzyme

Berlin, 31.03.2021: With Sanofi Genzyme, the Nia app has another strong partner: As of now, the Specialty Care Business Unit of Sanofi is a sponsoring partner and supports the atopic dermatitis app Nia, which is approved as a class I medical device, within the scope of a sponsorship.

Atopic dermatitis is one of the most widespread chronic skin diseases. Painful itching, dry skin and redness make life difficult for atopic dermatitis patients. This is where the atopic dermatitis app Nia comes in: it supports the chronically ill and their relatives day by day with fully comprehensive digital support – in addition to established therapies. In Nia, for example, potential triggers for flare-ups can be documented. Users also receive many practical tips and background knowledge on the topics of medication, nutrition, psychology and personal hygiene. The scientifically validated content is based on the renowned curriculum of AGNES e.V. The award-winning app is the most used atopic dermatitis app in German-speaking countries, as well as the first app of its kind ever to be approved as a medical device. It was launched by the Berlin-based start-up Nia Health, a spin-off of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, in 2019.

With Sanofi Genzyme, the Nia app has another strong partner: As of now, the Specialty Care Business Unit of Sanofi is a sponsoring partner and supports the atopic dermatitis app Nia, which is approved as a class I medical device, within the scope of a sponsorship.

Founder and CEO of Nia Health, Tobias Seidl, is very excited about the commitment.
“With the financial support of Sanofi Genzyme, we can expand our patient-centred product development even further. Receiving the trust of such a successful company motivates us a lot.”

Peter Kuiper, General Manager at Sanofi Genzyme GSA, explains Sanofi Genzyme’s involvement with Nia Health as follows:
“At Sanofi Genzyme, we are passionate about making the daily lives of people affected by atopic dermatitis easier. The Nia app makes a valuable contribution in guiding the individual treatment of this chronic skin condition and we are particularly pleased to be able to support here.”

About Sanofi Genzyme:
Sanofi Genzyme, the global specialty care business unit of Sanofi, focuses on developing groundbreaking treatments for rare and complex diseases to bring new hope to patients and their families. Immunology is an area where Sanofi Genzyme is experiencing strong growth and where the company hopes to make a critical difference in patients’ lives. Sanofi Genzyme aims to find answers to the unanswered questions in immune diseases such as atopic dermatitis, asthma and chronic sinusitis. Sanofi Genzyme, as one of the leading biologics manufacturers, has recently been approved for the treatment of children from six years of age with the drug Dupilumab. The guideline for atopic dermatitis has contained a corresponding recommendation since January of this year.

About Nia Health:
Nia Health provides comprehensive digital support to patients with chronic conditions through innovative medical software. The medical device manufacturer was created in 2019 as a spin-off of Charité Berlin. Their first product, the award-winning atopic dermatitis app Nia, provides daily support to thousands of patients and their families. Nia is now the most-used atopic dermatitis app in the German-speaking countries. In addition, Nia is the first atopic dermatitis app ever approved as a medical device. Nia is already recommended by leading national health insurance companies. In 2020, the psoriasis app Sorea, the second product based on the innovative technology of the Berlin-based company, was also launched on the market.

Contact person
Tobias Seidl

Second Health Insurance Company lists the eczema App Nia

Berlin, 01.11.2020: The Eczema App Nia is available since November 1, 2020 for all insured members of the KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse in the full Premium version free of charge.

The Nia-App offers all KKH-insured persons with eczema comprehensive documentation possibilities about their health history. A report also supports doctor-patient communication. In addition, Nia-App provides patients with clinically validated tips for dealing with the skin disease.

The chairman of the board of the KKH, Dr. Wolfgang Matz, believes it is important for the future to promote patient empowerment and, as a health insurance company, to enter into an even stronger direct exchange with insurance members. The new offer around the Nia App is now intended to further promote exactly this: “We see the innovative Eczema App Nia as an important and modern addition to existing treatment methods for eczema for our policyholders.” Nia Health co-founder Tobias Seidl is very pleased about the second strong cooperation partner among the national health insurance companies. Particularly worth mentioning, since all this happens within the first year after the company was founded: “With the KKH we reach even more eczema sufferers. We are currently working hard to be reimbursable for all insured persons in Germany”. In a few weeks, the Berlin Charité spin-off wants to announce further cooperation agreements with health insurance companies.

Nia users who are not insured by the KKH or DAK-Gesundheit, which also cooperates with Nia Health, can continue to use the free basic functions of the Nia App.

Atopic eczema is the largest chronic skin disease. In Germany, 4.5 million people suffer from the disease. More than half of those affected are children. Just recently, the Berlin startup announced the launch of its second App. With the psoriasis app Sorea, more than 2 million people suffering from psoriasis will now be digitally supported.

Further information about the KKH cooperation:

About the health insurance KKH
The KKH Kaufmännische Krankenkasse is one of the largest nationwide health insurance companies with about 1.7 million insured members. One of the main motives of the KKH is to support its members in developing healthy lifestyles. For example, the KKH was the first national health insurance to offer all children insured with it three additional examinations in addition to the statutory health care.

Contact person
Tobias Seidl

Charité spin-off Nia Health launches first intelligent psoriasis app

Berlin/Hamburg, den 22.10.2020: Sorea is the name of the new app of the Charité spin-off Nia Health. After the release of the eczema medical app Nia at the end of 2019, the Berlin based startup launched its second product. Sorea offers psoriasis patients digital support.

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. Scaly skin lesions (also known as ‘plaques’) are typical features of the most common form of this disease. Patients with psoriasis suffer from plaques that are often visible to outsiders, especially when a flare-up breaks out. These large plaques often cause feelings of shame or exclusion.

Nia Health co-founder, Dr. Reem Alneebari (39), board certified dermatologist, knows the already existing and effective treatment methods for psoriasis patients: “However, the fastest way to get there is often unclear to patients. Documentation is extremely important in order to better identify the highly individualized triggers for relapses and the optimal treatment.” This is exactly how the Sorea App is intended to support psoriasis patients and doctors. Intelligent recording of the skin’s appearance using textual and photographic records helps patients and physicians to recognize patterns during the course of the disease over time. Based on clinically validated metrics such as the so-called PASI-Score, the Sorea App objectifies subjective perceptions of patients.

Technologically, Nia Health uses its platform, which has been developed for two and a half years and is already used by more than 6,000 eczema patients. Oliver Welter (36), CTO and co-founder of Nia Health, is well aware of the importance of scalable platforms due to his many years of experience in the industry (most recently as CTO for the company caresyntax):

„We have developed our AI-based technology from the very beginning in a way that allows us to achieve synergy effects in many fields of indication. The end result should always be a product that brings direct added value to patients and physicians

The basic version of the Sorea App is now available in the Google Play- and Apple App Store.
Further information about the Sorea app:

More about the disease psoriasis

October 29 is World Psoriasis Day. Worldwide 100 million people suffer from psoriasis. Psoriasis is associated with other comorbidities such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders and depression. Genetics play an essential role in the development of the disease. However, it has not yet been possible to clarify which genetic information is responsible for psoriasis in detail.

Contact person
Tobias Seidl

Only six months after launch: Nia Health starts NHI cooperation

Berlin, 01.07.2020: The medical product, the Eczema App Nia (risk class I), is from now on available to DAK customers free of charge in the fully comprehensive premium version.

The Berlin-based medical device manufacturer Nia Health is starting a cooperation with DAK on July 1, 2020. The Nia App enables eczema patients to document their health history, create a report for their doctors’ appointment and receive clinically validated tips for dealing with the disease.

The founders of the Charité Spin-Off Nia Health are enthusiastic about the rapid implementation of the cooperation – especially considering the complex processes and lead times in the healthcare system. Nia Health CEO Tobias Seidl is therefore delighted about the quick start of the cooperation: “The lead times for NHI cooperations are a challenge for the often short-lived start-up industry. With DAK as the first cooperation partner among the large national health insurance companies, we have reached an enormously important milestone for our young company. Together with health insurance companies, we can help even more affected people.” Andreas Storm, CEO of DAK, sees the Nia App as an important extension to existing forms of treatment for the skin disease: “With Nia, we are the first health insurance company to use the latest scientific findings to help patients understand eczema better and classify symptoms quickly. The app provides certainty when questions arise and complements medical treatment with personalized information.”

Atopic eczema is the largest chronic skin disease. In Germany 4.5 million people suffer from the disease. In June, Nia Health received the €50,000 EIT Health Headstart Award for its innovative Nia App. Nia Health is currently in talks with other health insurance companies and will announce new cooperations in the near future.

The cooperation with DAK Health is initially designed for a pilot phase of six months. Insured persons with children up to eight years of age suffering from eczema can use the Nia App free of charge.

Nia users who are not insured with DAK can continue to use the free basic functions of the app.

About the health insurance DAK
With 5.6 million insured persons, DAK is the third largest health insurance company in Germany. DAK offers a wide range of services to young families in particular (“best health insurance for families” according to Focus Money, 21/20).

Tobias Seidl

Eczema App Nia wins European Innovation Award

Berlin, 24.06.2020: The Berlin-based medical device manufacturer Nia Health wins the EIT Health Headstart Award worth €50,000.

The prize is awarded by the EU institution EIT Health to highly innovative early stage startups. In addition to the prize money, the EIT Health Headstart programme gives young companies particularly valuable access to a large European network of industrial companies and investors.

In a multi-stage application process, Nia Health was able to prevail over 50 other talented young companies from the biotech, medtech and digital health industry from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Nia Health’s medical product (risc class I), the Eczema App Nia, also convinced the top-class jury in the final round of the pitch competition of the last 15 start-ups. The jury included John Butler, VP External Innovation at Bayer and Dr. Klaus Suwelack, New Venture Lead Germany at Johnson & Johnson.

About EIT Health Headstart Funding

The EIT Health Headstart Awards are part of EIT Health’s extensive portfolio of support programmes for emerging companies and SMEs from across Europe. The purpose of these awards is to accelerate market entry and adoption of new products and services, thus creating new economic activity.

You can find more information here:

Contact person
Tobias Seidl